
Mariko offers 1-on-1 coaching packages, a variety of talks and workshops, and community opportunities.


1 on 1 Coaching

Mariko coaches individuals and couples, regardless of gender.
Some of her clients’ desires and goals include:

  • Releasing old relationships and attracting the partners and friends we truly desire.
  • Creating unconventional dream careers while thriving financially.
  • Exploring non-vanilla identities and relationships and integrating them into our existing lives.
  • Improving our relationships with money, creativity, sexuality, ourselves, or any other struggles we have.
  • Living the high-vibrational life that makes others look at us in awe.

Mariko finds it most effective for clients to work with coaching packages that combine live Zoom sessions (1–2 week intervals between sessions) with personal text and voice messaging access to Mariko throughout the engagement. Her standard coaching packages are as follows:

  • 12-18 month packages: Thirty six (36) zoom session package with 1 VIP day for US $12,000 or twenty four (24) session package with 1 VIP Day for $9,000.
  • 6 month package: Twelve (12) live Zoom sessions plus messaging access for US $5,000.

While most clients tend to have big transformational desires that would take 1 year + container, Mariko is flexible in offering what fits best for the client as well. Please fill out this application form. to schedule a no-obligation discovery call, so she and you can mutually determine the fit.

The purpose of Discovery Call: Mariko understands that coaching is an investment and it is normal for potential clients to want some questions answered to be sure if working together is the right decision, which coaching package is the best fit, etc. She also has clients globally and understand that the client country’s economy, the currency exchange rates, and individual circumstances vary greatly from person to person, and it is her desire to accommodate those people as well. All of these topics are welcome during the Discovery Call. Mariko is confident that these Discovery Calls offer great values to clients while she gains more insights on how she could be of better service to them. She looks forward to hearing from you here.

Please note: Mariko only accepts clients she believes to be a good fit for what they desire. If Mariko determines that she is not a good fit, she will express that with gratitude and support, and offer referrals if possible.


Talks & Workshops

Mariko offers talks and workshops on a variety of topics, including:
Some of her clients’ desires and goals include:

  • Self defense for women
  • Rebirth after divorce
  • Connecting online and offline, both personally and professionally
  • Irresistible benefits of shadow work
  • Prospecting for dating
  • Resourcefulness and self-responsibility fundamentals
  • How to spot a red flag AND dodge the bullet—in both dating and in business

Currently available online:

Watch her TEDx talk on the irresistible benefits of shadow work here

Do you have an inquiry, request, or feedback about Mariko’s talks and workshops, or do you want to be notified of Mariko’s future offerings? Sign up here!


Community Opportunities

During her transformation, Mariko experienced that talking about sex openly (the way we talk about food or career) magically made her feel radiant, liberated, and playful. If she had to pick the most profound revelation of her transformation journey, it’s this, and she wants to share it with others. Imagine yourself in a community where you can:

  • Brag about amazing sex you had with your partner and feel celebrated for it!
  • Talk about sex as freely as you might talk about a delicious meal.
  • Openly discuss your struggles and desires in relationships, love, and sex and feel supported.
  • Be free to be yourself and feel understood and accepted exactly as you are, regardless of the flavor -vanilla or non-vanilla.

To apply as a Founding Member of Mariko’s “Talk About Sex Like We Talk About Food” community, apply here.